If I planned Starbucks seasonal coffees

If I planned Starbucks seasonal coffees

It is November 1 and the Christmas-themed drinks are already being offered at Starbucks.  While I love a pump of the Sugar-Free Peppermint in my Cafe Americano and wish it was offered year round, I feel like so many holidays like Thanksgiving always gets overlooked.

If I could control the seasonal offerings at Starbucks and give equal playing time to the seasons, here are some flavor combinations that would work wonderful and change monthly.


January Chai or Buttered Rum, something sweet and warming for the dead of winter
February Mocha Strawberry, just like chocolate covered Strawberries for your Valentine
March Spearmint, and of course it wouldn’t hurt to toss some green food coloring into the milky froths for St. Patrick’s Day
April English Toffee and Peanut Butter Mocha, almost tastes like Easter candy to me
May Iced Coffees, time to cool down as the weather heats up
June Green Tea Lemonades, extra spin-off flavors like acai berry or pomegranate optional
July Coffee Floats, adding a scoop of ice cream never killed anyone
August Coconut, an island vacation for your coffee
September Salted Caramel, since it is the height of apple harvests afterall.
October Pumpkin Latte.  Does this need explanation?
November Cranberry Chai, or something fun to get you amped for holiday dinners
December Peppermint Mocha, Gingerbread and Egg Nog, all big holiday favorites for the Christmas shoppers and home brews out there.

This is just my first stab at a unique take on each month, taking advantage of all the major American holidays and months of the year.  So, what am I missing?

1 Comment

  1. fox

    the ‘unsweetened iced green tea lemonade’ is my favorite of the summertime. Starbucks offerings (even though i sound like a. jagoff every time i say it lol)

    I like the idea of cranberry for thanksgiving, as i feel like pumpkin gets the. september through. december market a little too much.

    And i cant figure out why my damn phone is inserting punctuation and deleting spaces where it shouldnt, grrr.

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